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Verizon Advises Subscribers to Switch Off 5G to "Conserve Battery Life"

Verizon has tweeted the suggestion that users should switch off 5G connections on devices experiencing higher than expected battery usage. The tweet has caught the eyes of Verizon users who have paid out for smartphones that can use the 5G network but are now finding device battery performance less than satisfactory.

Switch to LTE to Save Battery

The tweet didn't specifically mention switching your 5G connection off. Instead, Verizon suggests switching to the LTE network to save battery life in the now-deleted message.

LTE was a core feature of the previous generation's network standard, 4G. While providing decent speeds, the 4G network is much slower when compared to 5G. For example, 4G has a maximum download speed of around 300Mbps (37.5MB/s) versus a maximum download speed of 10Gbps (1250MB/s) for 5G.

Advising users to switch the 5G feature off in favor of the previous network generation isn't actually bad advice. A smartphone constantly searching for a network connection for a specific connection type will absolutely drain its battery faster.

That's why your device battery lasts so much longer in airplane mode—it isn't looking for a mobile or Wi-Fi network, therefore isn't updating and scanning the airwaves, using the battery in the process.

But that Verizon spent over $45 billion to secure its place in the 5G spectrum and has been heavily pushing 5G-enabled smartphones to its customers has irritated some observers.

In that, you should consider if your city has 5G access before purchasing a 5G-enabled phone. The Verizon 5G network is currently available in 66 cities, but you won't get coverage in rural areas or cities not on the list. Check the Verizon 5G coverage map before taking out a subscription to a service you might not even be able to use.

As some Verizon subscribers point out in the tweet replies, the company is "shilling the new iPhones, but it's like winning the lottery to find a 5G signal."

Related: Is 5G Safe or Dangerous? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Should You Upgrade to 5G?

The 5G network is beginning to pick up the pace. Verizon isn't the only 5G network provider; AT&T, and Sprint and T-Mobile also provide 5G services. Sprint and T-Mobile are currently in the process of merging their 5G networks after the completion of a $26 billion merger, finalized in 2020.

So, should you upgrade to 5G?

If you live in a city with decent 5G coverage and can afford the smartphone and subscription, you could give it a try. Otherwise, if you're miles from the nearest 5G network and rarely travel into a 5G-enabled area, it isn't worth the extra expense.

Verizon removed its tweet several hours after posting, perhaps realizing that advising users to switch off its major selling point isn't a great look after all.


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