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Showing posts from December, 2021

The Top 5 Mediterranean Diet Food Blogs to Follow Right Now

When we think about going on a diet, we think of a strict eating plan. The plan usually limits us to consuming tiny amounts of a particular selection of foods so that we can lose weight. A mindful, balanced diet includes eating the right amount of nourishing food from a range of different food groups. This is where the Mediterranean diet comes in.

How to Make 2022 the Year for You

Ever felt that your current job or career doesn't quite satisfy you? While you can change direction at anytime, the start of a new year is a great time to make the changes in your life that you want to see. In this podcast, we look at how it is possible to change career, with a focus on freelancing.

How to Forward Calls on Android and iPhone

Call forwarding is a way of directing calls to another number. It's available on Android and iPhone, and it's easy enough to set up. With it, you can avoid pesky work calls when you're on vacation, for example. You can also have calls sent to another phone in cases where your normal device is having problems.

What Is a Lithophane and How Can You 3D Print One?

Lithophanes are a great way to 3D print your memories. You can 3D print your favorite picture in a simple flat frame or customize it in the shape of a lamp or even a globe. And now more than ever, it is accessible to 3D print your custom lithophanes with the help of online tools. Read on to learn how to prepare and 3D print your lithophane using the Lithophane maker tool.

What Is Digital Decay & Data Degredation?

Did you know that files you store digitally (on CDs, hard disk drives, solid-state drives, memory cards) are more fragile than physical files? That's right: just as our photographs and printed files yellow and wear out over time, similar things also happen to your digital files and data. So, are your digital files safe? How does data decay, and what can you do to prevent your data from degradation?

How to Set Up a Professional Twitter Account

Twitter's professional account profile is a way for creators, publishers, businesses, nonprofits, developers, and anyone who conducts their business through the platform can easily showcase what they do. It's free and easy to set up—you even don't need to apply for it, unlike being verified on the platform.

eSkute Voyager: Powerful Budget e-Mountain Bike Goes Anywhere

If your idea of an affordable e-bike is some dainty foldable thing suitable only for flat city terrain, then think again. The eSkute Voyager mountain e-bike (EMTB) will take you anywhere, with all the power you need for rough terrain. I took it out to the rugged Cornish countryside to find out if this very reasonably priced £1000 mountain e-bike is worth it. It's available in the UK and Europe now, and should be launching in the US in early 2022.

11 Useful HTML Attributes You Must Know

HTML is the building block of the web. Knowing some less-known, but useful parts of this markup language can make your life a lot easier. HTML attributes provide several features that can help you to get the most out of HTML. It defines additional characteristics or properties of an HTML element.

The 7 Best Online FPS Browser Games

The first-person shooter (FPS) genre is probably the most popular genre in the world. Games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Counter-Strike are among the best tactical shooters you can play. However, if you don't want to spend money on these games, you might want to try browser-based FPS games instead.

The 7 Best USB Extension Cables

Many electronic devices come with short cables that leave you crawling under the desk or hunching in a corner to achieve a secure connection. Not only does this restrict your movement, but it also leaves your working and entertainment space cramped.

How to Change The Default Screenshot Format and Other Details on a Mac

Each operating system needs to have an easy method for users to take screenshots, which can then be used for a variety of purposes, such as for how-to guides, presentations, and so on. macOS has a bunch of shortcuts that allow you to quickly capture screenshots of the entire screen, a specified portion, or a specific window.

What Is a Platformer in Gaming?

You may have heard the term 'platformer' when talking with someone about video games, but what exactly does the word mean? We've written this short and straightforward guide to the term platformer, so you know exactly what the name refers to and where its origins come from.

4 Reasons Not to Subscribe to HBO Max

HBO produces high-quality, massive hits like Game of Thrones and The Sopranos, so it's easy to see why you might want to subscribe to its streaming service HBO Max. Before you do, you should know there are some factors that might cause you to think twice about pulling out your wallet.

The Top 6 Specs to Check Before Buying a New Tablet

These days, tablets are almost as popular as laptops. They're lightweight, convenient, and often more useful for certain functions like drawing or entertainment. But not all tablets are the same. A range of different factors make certain tablets great for some people, but not so much for others. So, here are the six most important specs to check before buying a tablet.

How to Overlay Pictures in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is packed with features that make it more than just a word processor. When it comes to adding and formatting images, there are plenty of options you can use. Word allows you to crop them, add borders, remove the background, and so on. But did you know you can overlay pictures?

The Classic Tetris Monthly Tournament: What Is It and How Do You Compete?

The Classic Tetris community has been steadily growing for years, and the talent has grown alongside it. Thankfully, those who want to test their Tetris skills needn't wait for the annual Classic Tetris World Championship (CTWC) any more. Instead, they can compete in the Classic Tetris Monthly (CTM) tournament. Here's what you need to know.

AKASO Brave 8 is an Expensive Action Camera With Unforgivably Buggy Software

The Akaso Brave 8 is a waterproof action camera with impressive specs that are on par, or even better than some of the competition from DJI and GoPro. Unlimited recording time, 4K 60fps, and being waterproof up to 10m without a case are some of the Brave 8's biggest selling features. Under ideal lighting, you can capture decent photos and videos.

The 6 Best Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance in the Terminal

Linux is an open-source, UNIX-like operating system that drives a large portion of the internet. The Linux kernel sits underneath many new technologies and platforms such as Android, SDN controllers, containers, and its services as a network OS and server. These high demands require the proper management, reliability, and availability of the hosted applications, websites, and underlying Linux OS.

How to Create and Manage a FaceTime Meeting Link on Your Mac

macOS Monterey introduced a lot of new features to the Mac, including the ability to create FaceTime links. FaceTime links allow you to set up meetings in advance and are meant to be an alternative to Google Meets and Zoom. The feature can be used by anyone on any operating system and is not limited to Apple devices, as FaceTime was in the past.

3 Easy TikTok Transitions: A Beginner's Guide

Sometimes, TikTok can look like pure magic. For instance, when a video that starts with someone in their bedhead and natural complexion, changes instantly into a fabulously made-up face with a flawless blow-dry. Or, when a TikTok creator changes their whole outfit with a little jump and the snap of their fingers.

The Top 4 Apps for Making Payments With Crypto

These days, cryptocurrency isn't just a long-term investment option. Things are changing, and you can now pay for goods and services using your decentralized funds without having to go through multiple apps to do so. But which apps are best for spending crypto, and will they cost you anything? Let's find out below.

Safari vs. Chrome for Mac: Which Is Right For You?

The browser war never ends. No matter how many times we compare all the major browsers to determine a winner, the answer is always the same: learn what each browser offers and use the one that best suits your own needs. The most famous browsers currently used on macOS are Chrome and Safari—but which one's actually better?

How to Search for Tweets From Specific Dates

Twitter is a rich resource for social data. It's also a great way to find some interesting content, or just stay up-to-date with what your friends are doing. Most of us search for tweets on Twitter by using keywords and hashtags, but did you know you can also search for tweets using other parameters like date and engagement?

How to Make a Movie on Your iPhone

We've come a long way from the initial days of the iPhone, which had a barely-usable 5MP camera. The latest iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max feature a robust camera system with three separate lenses, allowing for easy 4K recordings. The portability of the iPhone means it can be used in a versatile number of situations, allowing you to instantly record anything anywhere.

Huion Kamvas 20 vs. Wacom Cintiq 16: Which One Is Better?

The wide selection of graphic tools and hardware on the market makes choosing the best device particularly difficult. This applies especially to those who are just getting started or have little to no experience with drawing tablets. There’s a wide range of specifications, pros and cons, and an even wider range of prices and functionalities.

What Is Express.js and Why Should You Use It?

Express.js (or "Express") is a NodeJS web framework used on the back-end (or server-side) of websites and web applications. Express is flexible and minimalistic, which means that it doesn’t have an extensive collection of unnecessary libraries and packages, nor does it dictate how you should build your application.

How to Open ZIP Files on a Mac

When it comes to opening ZIP files on a Mac, you have several viable options. Most modern operating systems come with their own extraction tools for compressed files. However, sometimes the standard methods don’t offer all the fancy features you need.

Getting Things Done (GTD) vs. Zen to Done (ZTD): Which Is the Best Productivity Framework?

While every day can feel like a juggling act, it's important to keep things in perspective. However, distractions are aplenty. It can sometimes feel like you are in a constant battle to stay focused on the goals that matter most to you. But what if there was a system that could help you eliminate the time spent on less important activities?

How to Set Photo Upload Quality on WhatsApp

WhatsApp now allows you to select a quality preference when sending photos. Until WhatsApp added this feature, it had a reputation for decreasing photo quality. But you can now send higher-resolution pictures. And, if you want to, you can still reduce the resolution to save data, or use the default compression option.

What Is Hyperfocal Distance? How and When to Use It in Photography

The hyperfocal distance of a camera and a lens describes a "sweet spot" in terms of the focal plane. At your hyperfocal length, the focal plane is at its widest and its most globally potent, giving you much more room to cram in several larger-than-life subjects, such as mountains, big vehicles or buildings, and even things like star trails photography.

The 4 Best Apps for NFT Enthusiasts

As NFTs continue to grow in popularity, several apps are emerging to serve NFT users. But which apps are best? With so many options, it can be difficult to find the most trusted choices. After all, NFTs can be expensive, and trusting the wrong app can spell trouble if it’s not secure.

6 Ways to Shut Down Windows 11

Turning off a Windows computer is not something most people need to be taught these days. We've been doing it for a while, after all. However, what most people aren’t aware of is that there’s more than one way to turn off a PC; we just usually stick with the one method we're familiar with.

How to Share Music Using Alexa Contacts

Music is a universal language that transcends borders, cultures, and languages. But sometimes we need to get in touch with our friends when they're not around—or have something important happen so we can't talk face-to-face. Luckily for all of us who love music, sharing it with friends is easier than ever.

Is Google Releasing a Pixel Watch in 2022? What We Know So Far

Google has been making its own smartphones for years under the Pixel brand. Although the series has met with limited success and Google has had more misses than hits, Pixel phones have always set the benchmark in terms of performance and usability for other Android devices to follow. The company also has a smartwatch platform — WearOS, but it has never launched a wearable of its own so far.

9 Free Online Courses for Python Beginners

Python is a high-level programming language. It's popular among the programming community due to its simplicity and versatility. You’ll find its usage in high-end computing like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), databases, scientific software, etc. Coincidentally, experts working in these fields also get paid handsomely.

How to Make a Mind Map in Excel: 5 Easy Methods

Mind maps are truly helpful for discovering insights from data or resolving project bottlenecks. Excel is too good for numerical or text data in rows and columns. Though it offers many graphs and charts for data visualization, it lacks mind maps. Don’t get discouraged yet because we'll show you how to use mind mapping right from Excel.

What Does the MacBook Pro Touch Bar Do?

Apple's 2016 MacBook Pro upgrades introduced the Touch Bar—an interesting piece of hardware that didn't quite make its way in the world. In fact, it was so unpopular amongst power users that the company removed the Touch Bar from its newest 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro models, bringing back the traditional function keys.

Which Countries Use Crypto The Most? The Top 10 Crypto Countries

Today, the cryptocurrency industry is undoubtedly huge. Over the past decade, crypto has become immensely popular as an investment option and alternative currency. But the use of cryptocurrency isn't the same across the world. Some countries don't allow crypto at all, while others have built a huge industry from it. So, which countries are currently using crypto the most?

The 7 Best Face Swap Apps

The smartphone has made it possible for anyone to easily employ advanced photo-editing tools, for which you’d otherwise need Photoshop skills. One such ability is to swap people’s faces in pictures. Face swap apps have made this as simple as tapping your screen a few times.

AI Gone Rogue: 6 Times AI Went Too Far

From voice recognition devices to intelligent chatbots, AI has transformed our lives. But, every good thing also has a downside, and AI is no exception to this rule. Leading technology figures have warned of the looming dangers of AI, including Stephen Hawking, who said it could be the "worst event in the history of our civilization."

Vivaldi 5.0 Has Arrived: The 3 Best New Features to Try

Vivaldi users: it's time to rejoice, for Vivaldi 5.0 is here, and it's packed with new features for both desktop and Android users. Building on the success of Vivaldi 4.0 (released in June 2021), the feature-filled Chromium-based browser now comes with sharable Themes, a brand new translation panel, row tabs for Android users, and much more.

How to Make Your iPhone Take Photos Faster

Most modern iPhones have a feature that lets you choose between snapping faster photos or taking photos in better quality. This feature lets you prioritize faster shooting, so your iPhone takes less time processing pictures and you can capture moments more easily. Here's how you can enable or disable it.

How to Reset a Single Git File and Why

As software for version control, Git makes it predictably easy to roll back changes. But even the concept of undoing a change is more complicated than you might first think. A Git repository isn’t quite the same thing as the set of files you're working on locally. Undoing changes means considering exactly where you want to undo them.

How Does a Computer Work and What Is Inside?

Computers have evolved from simple devices to a 21st-century staple in just a few decades. But despite being a relatively new technology, most people have no idea how a simple rectangle—small enough to fit your backpack—is capable of everything from complex math to playing video, audio, and running sophisticated software.

How to Get Started Collecting Microcomputers

Microcomputers are an interesting part of the history of both computing and video games. Back in the 80s and 90s, the home computing revolution led to a huge number of microcomputers hitting the market across the world. That means if you want to get started collecting microcomputers, knowing which system to go for first can be overwhelming.

Goovis Lite: A Great Personal Cinema HMD (But It's Not VR)

Personal cinema head-mounted displays have always seemed like a bit of a hangover of the before times when 3DTVs were all the rage and VR was but a distant dream. Goovis are experts in the world of optics though, and seem to think that there's still a market for these curious devices. But when faced with the prospect of a $300 Oculus Quest 2, can the $450 Goovis Lite personal cinema HMD stand a chance?

How to Turn Off Live Photos on iPhone

The Live Photos feature on iPhone provides some added context to your still photos by capturing video and sound for a moment before and after taking the photo. The final result is a 1.5-second clip along with the still photo. Live Photos look similar to GIFs and can be saved as videos with full sound.